Music ©1990 Dick Swain
Gordon – 12-string guitar
Dick Swain found this haunting poem by one of England’s great poets, and made this magical setting for it. Dick is a fine singer of different kinds of music, and is admired for his keen discernment to be singing with Nancy Mattila.
Home, home, wild birds home
Lark to the grass, wren to the hedge
Rooks to the treetops, swallows to the eaves
Eagle to its crag, raven to its stone
All birds home
Home, home, strayed ones home
Rabbit to burrow, fox to earth
Mouse to the wainscot, rat to the barn
Cattle to the byre, dog to the hearth
All beasts home
Home, home, wanderers home
Cormorant to rock, gulls from the storm
Boat to the harbor
Safe sail home
Children home, at evening home
Boys and girls, from the roads come home
Out of the rain, sons come home
From the gathering dusk, young ones home
Young ones home
Home, home, all souls home
Dead to the graveyard, living to the lamplight
Old to the fireside, girls from the twilight
Babe to the breast, and heart to its haven
Lost ones home