Plastic Container of Plonk

Words © Bill Scott

Music © Roger Ilott


When Bill wrote this, he sent it to his friend Roger Ilott to put a tune to it.  I learned it from Roger's singing.  It is printed in Bill's songbook Hey Rain!  which Timberhead Music published in the U.S.


Some Aussie words worth knowing:

Stubbies – short cans of beer

Yabbies – crayfish

Plonk – cheap red wine ("Rough Red")

Tucker – food

Burleying – roughing-up (giving them a hard time)


Gordon – Spanish guitar


I remember the days when we used to go fishing

After the whiting around Skirmish Point

With a carton of stubbies, a bucket of yabbies

And worms that we dug from all over the joint

And a plastic container of plonk


Remember the morning old Charlie got blotto

And fell all around in a tangle of lines

He was singing his head off and whirling his sinker

But as he was having a wonderful time

He spilled me container of plonk


How he splashed it all round and some went into the bucket

And the yabbies all went on a beautiful spree

They drank me rough red and got full as old Charlie

And argued and sang and left nothing for me

Of me plastic container of plonk


We were baiting with yabbies all well marinated

And waving their claws as they went on their way

And the whiting got word of this marvelous tucker

And came in their thousands from all round the Bay

To indulge in some yabbies and plonk


When our creels were all full then we started off homeward

With a teetotal nephew to manage the car

Then the whiting all came to surface to thank us

For the taste thrill that came from me old plastic jar

Me plastic container of plonk


So don't talk to me about burleying whiting

Just take a tip from an old fisherman

Bring a little rough red and before you start fishing

Just tip a good slosh in the bait-holding can

From your plastic container of plonk



Plastic Container of Plonk is recorded on the album In Concert and is also in the songbook Hey Rain!