Words and Music: Dave Goulder
From our friend Dave Goulder comes this impish elaboration of an old expression. (ET)
Well be the summer may (can) come
and the summer may (can) go
And the pigs can see the wind
The autumn goose brings down the snow
And the pigs can see the wind
Me father used to say to me
as he locked 'em in the sty
They say that pigs can see the wind
and I'm going to tell you why
There's some will chase the crafty fox
o'er valley, hill and dale
There are 30 hounds and 30 clowns
for one old fox's tail
There's some will sit and fish the stream
in the howling wind and rain
They sling 'em back to come next day
and catch 'em all again
There's some will fight in foreign wars
and meet a bloody end
And if you can see the sense in that
then pigs can see the wind
Pigs Can See the Wind is recorded on the album Harbors of Home