©Doteval Caymmi
I first heard this song in the 1950s, on the West Coast, but didn't learn it until Larry Holland introduced me to the music of Brazilian singer and composer Doreval Caymmi. Thanks to Prof. Holland for this translation from the Brazilian Portuguese (Northeast dialect).
Gordon – Spanish guitar
Let us go and call the wind
Vamos, charmer o vento (2)
Wind that fills the sail
Sail that lifts the boat
Vela que leva o barco
Boat that carries the man
Barco que leva a gentre
Gentre que leva o peixe
Fish that brings money
Peize que da dinheiro
Curriman ei, curriman lam bai
(a sound of sorrow)
Wind that fills the sail
Vento que da na vela
Sail that capsizes the boat
Vento que vira o barco
O Vento is recorded on the album Herrings in the Bay