Los Viejitos

Traditional – Tarascan Indian


One of the legacies my folks left was an off collection of folk music from all over the world.  My brother and I though nothing of learning songs in other languages when we were kids; it was all around us and our relatives did it (mostly because they had lived there).  I believe this one came from an early Folkways LP of Trascan Indian music and was played on a "guitarra bajita", which I've never seen but loved the sound it made.  I couldn't imagine how a 2-legged type could make this rhythm work, until someone who had seen the dance told me it was usually performed by old men with cane who were supposed to be somewhat less than sober.  I've played it since I was a teenager and have never tired of it, nor ever been satisfied that I had it right.


Gordon – laud



This tune is recorded on the album Dear To Our Island and is also in the songbook Time and the Flying Snow